Sunday, October 13, 2013

Facebook Has a Record of All Your Searches and Might Make It Public, Remove Them Now

You have all seen the Facebook Graph Search bar on Facebook right? It is the white box on the top of Facebook page with “Search for people, places and things” written inside it. You search for People, Pages and other stuffs from there. 
When you search for stuffs from your Graph Search bar, What you don’t realize is that these search terms are getting recorded by Facebook in your Activity log. The page which shows this log is deeply hidden in the Activity Log and not many people are aware of the fact that they exist. By default these searches are Hidden from your Timeline and are set to “Only Me” as the privacy setting. But you know Facebook, They may at any time make it visible to “Public” for whatever reasons.
It is always a good idea to steer clear of these things, So start cleaning up your Facebook Searches. Here is how you do it.
How to Remove Your Facebook Graph Searches from Activity Log
Step 1. Log in to your Facebook Account, Click the Like button the top of this page (to alert your friends about this) then click this link : Activity Log.
Step 2. You can find all your Searches you have performed till date on this page, You can remove them individually by clicking the ‘Stop/Block’ icon on the right of your search term > Remove.
facebook graph search all pages named
Step 3. If you want to remove all your searches at once. Click the ‘Clear Searches‘ at the top of the page > Clear Searches.
That is it, You have cleared up all your Facebook Graph Searches you have performed till date. This is something Facebook hasn’t made everyone aware of (in plain text).
Now that you are aware of this, Consider sharing it with your Friends and Family on Facebook.

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